Biomechanics Blog 1: Activity Analysis

Because I drive almost every day, one of my daily routines include cranking my car (since it is not push-start). The main joint associated with cranking my car is the elbow. With my keys in the ignition switch my forearm starts in pronation. As I begin to crank the car my radius moves which turns my forearm to supination and ends in that position. The osteokinematics of the elbow for cranking my car go from pronation to supination, which is in an open kinematic chain. These motions occur in the transverse plane and vertical axis. In terms of arthrokinematics, the moving radius is spinning on the capitulum of the humerus therefore allows the forearm to supinate. The agonist during supination of the elbow is the supinator (with some help of the biceps bracii). This muscle performs a concentric contraction because it shortens when activated.

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