Reflection on Jillian Clancy's TED Talk "Sustainable Wellness Through Nature".

 During Jillian's TED Talk, the topics of nature's role in wellbeing, occupational therapy's roll in wellness, skills developed and why it is important, and the connection and collect interest in nature were brought up. I personally feel that in our high-tech society today, you can easily feel like you are disconnected with nature. Most of our time we spend outside are limited to walking to our cars to go somewhere or walking the trash down the driveway. It turns out, nature has many benefits to our personal wellness. Jillian talks about several benefits that nature has to children and adult that is supported by evidence. Some of these benefits include improved learning resiliency, mood, and self-esteem in younger children (Clancy, n.d.). Benefits of nature for adults include, having meaningful experiences and hobbies, making connections, and having a define meaning in their everyday life (Clancy, n.d.). She also talked about how occupational therapist are trained in activity analysis, which helps individuals with many skills. Activity analysis breaks down tasks into smaller into smaller steps.

Jillian talks about her personal experiences of wellness through nature and believes it is very important. I agree with her. I believe that spending time in nature can make you feel better, it’s intuitive. A personal experience of mine would be spending time in nature at the mountains🌄. My physical and mental factors were impacted by nature engagement. The warm sun shining on my face felt good. I felt relaxed and calm. As Jillian mentioned, occupational therapy plays a role in wellness. It focuses on helping clients reach/maximize their capacity to participate in activities that are meaningful to them. This helps promotes an individual's overall health and wellness, which is the main goal of occupational therapy!

Personal picture that I took at the mountains. 

 (n.d.). Jillian Clancy: Sustainable Wellness Through Nature | TED Talk. Retrieved from 


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